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What we have already done

Coffee in the Climate

Café no Clima promotes debates on the challenges and opportunities of sustainable urban development to understand opportunities for action, studies and narratives regarding the national climate agenda.

Created in 2019, the project has already held five meetings, always with experts who are references in the subjects covered, considering the diversity of points of view on the topic discussed and providing an informal environment for the exchange of knowledge.

Check out all the editions here .


Amazon Passes Here

The Amazônia Passa Aqui communication and engagement campaign was created in May 2022 with the purpose of creating urban circuits and cultural activities capable of raising awareness among people living in large Brazilian cities about the presence and importance of defending the Amazon Rainforest and Brazilian biomes.

Learn more about what we did in 2022 and 2023

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Mapping urban climate initiatives

MIUC (Mapping of Urban Climate Initiatives) is a pioneering project that maps initiatives in Brazilian cities that have a positive impact on the climate agenda. The goal of this mapping is to gather and disseminate urban climate initiatives in Brazil so that they have an increasing impact and are recognized as an important part of building communities that are adapted and resilient to the effects of climate change.

Access the website here !

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